Condensation trails, those cloud-like trails in the sky that are left in the wake of certain jet aircraft, are commonly called contrails. Even though these contrails have been around as long as we’ve had jets, something new has occurred in the last few years.
Various areas of the United States seem to be experiencing an intensive program of continuous flights overhead that criss-cross paths. These flight paths leave what has become the feared X pattern left by multiple low flying aircraft. Furthermore, the contrails left behind in these patterns stay longer than conventional aircraft contrails and frequently leave a physical residue on the ground or on buildings under the flight path.
Medical reports have been slowly accumulated that link a dramatic increase in serious respiratory and flu-like ailments to the very same regions experiencing the increased contrail activity. This alone would make certain people quite suspicious as our society has a miserable track record when it comes to making choices between money-making industrial toxic waste procedures and the health of the citizenry. When we realize the evidence keeps pointing towards a cover-up of the data surrounding these flights, the case against contrails becomes quite alarming.
Medical and toxicological cover-ups have become increasingly routine in our world. Celebrated cases of major conspiracy range from the notorious Karen Silkwood nuclear contamination case to the more recent Northeastern water contamination case that caused a significant number of children to develop leukemia. Both tragic episodes were made into major motion pictures (Silkwood and A Civil Action, respectively). Knowledgeable observers studying the contrail controversy have suspicions that this could turn into “the mother of toxic contamination cover-ups”.
Probably the premier researcher in this area is a man named William Thomas. A veteran writer dealing with biological warfare and environmental issues, Thomas is an excellent researcher not given to wild-eyed conspiracy theories. His meticulous brand of research has led to the publication of two books, Scorched Earth -The Military’s Assault On The Environment, and, Bringing The War Home, a detailed and well-documented look at the Gulf War Syndrome.
Another interesting player in the study of this phenomena is Larry Wayne Harris, who wrote the book, Bacteriological Warfare: A Major Threat To North America. Harris is the man who was arrested in the Anthrax controversy in Nevada a couple of years ago. Larry Harris claimed to have evidence of Iraqi cell groups that had smuggled in Anthrax infected fleas to release in the U.S. He’s been active in the media trying to alert the public to the enormous threat of biological terrorism stateside from foreign and “black operations” groups. We consider both these individuals to be credible sources of information on the subject of contrails and are grateful for the fact that they’ve taken the time and expended a considerable amount of effort to research and track these issues for the rest of us. Much of the information in this essay is drawn from published work by Mr. Thomas, and once again gratitude goes out to him.
The consensus of evidence gathered so far indicates that the contrails are a form of clandestine chemical spraying of the populace with compounds that have been proven to be harmful in every case, certainly carcinogenic, and sometimes lethal. Whether this is a part of a coordinated plan with malicious intent to directly harm the public, or whether this is a calculated risk wherein the political powers that be are willing to risk harmful effects of the population in exchange for a technical and economic advantage remains to be demonstrated.
Once again, considering the massive amount of historical evidence that the government is an evil beast (Revelation 13:1) with a consistent track record of disregard for the individual, it’s not difficult for the knowledgeable observer to believe either scenario. What is not in doubt is the fact that the contrails do indeed carry potentially deadly organic and chemical compounds, and every effort should be made to avoid them.
The earliest related contrail activity we’re aware of goes back to 1994. On April 20, 1994 (of all dates, April 20 – satanic holiday or something, columbine, Waco, etc.) an NOAA satellite photo shows X type contrails over Kansas and Oklahoma. Oddly, photos from this date also show numeric patterns – intersecting W’s, as well as the Roman numeral XXI.
These shapes appear to be intentional patterns. The X’s, by the way, are a powerful indicator that something extraordinary is going on, for having multiple jets cross each other’s path to form the X while flying at the same time is not exactly standard procedure among air traffic controllers. On some occasions, this activity is so furiously intense that there are many reports of 50 contrails being created in one are in one day.
The contrail activity has apparently increased dramatically over the last 18 months. Contrails have now been widely reported in over half of America’s states including Oregon, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Nevada, Miss., Montana, Washington, Calif., Mich., New York, Indiana, and Kentucky. I have seen numerous photos, taken by the readers, that show extensive contrail activity in several states. For example, the photo insert () was taken this year in Southeastern Indiana, near the Ohio River. Actually, it’s likely there is similar activity going on in every state, but these are the ones we have reports on.
In March of 1988, a respiratory physiologist at an Arizona University publicly stated that certain US Air Force crew members have an unusually high amount of respiratory ailments like bronchitis, coughs, and colds.
In October 1997, an Oklahoma man reported several people had become seriously ill with respiratory problems after watching contrails being laid down in his region. According to Contrails: Poison From the Sky by William Thomas, one of them was a judge who was diagnosed with “severe inflammation” in his right lung (from) an unidentified ‘jello-like’ fluid (in) his lung.”2 This gelatinous fluid will prove to be significant shortly.
During the period of the Oklahoma spraying, a former restaurant owner tells of approximately 50 customers that also became violently ill with respiratory problems – and each of them reported jets had flown over their homes with “stuff comin’ out of their wings”.3 There are similar stories from numerous states that emerged in 1997 and 1998.
January of this year (1999) saw a sharp increase in contrail activity – and the accompanying sickness. Consider the following accounts that all occurred in January 1999:
· The daily newspaper in Raleigh, North Carolina, revealed that people admitted to a Durham hospital with respiratory ailments had jumped an alarming 74%.
· A Washington resident reported watching several jets laying contrails on New Years Day. He and a neighbor became very ill with flu-like diarrhea and strange physical fatigue that did not affect either man’s wives who remained indoors during the activity.
· Amid numerous citizen queries concerning the strange contrail activity in Phoenix, Arizona, the Arizona Republic newspaper states that respiratory problems resulting in hospitalization increased by almost 70% from the previous year.
· On January 7, a Philadelphia Daily News article said that there were so many serious respiratory complaints that Northern Westchester County Hospital had a 24 hour waiting period just to be admitted.
· By the end of January, the New York Times had reported a hospital in Queens was referring to the huge increase in respiratory-related admissions as “an epidemic.”
· In nearby New Jersey, there was a report of many people becoming ill after an eyewitness saw contrails over a MacDonald’s restaurant. Meanwhile, the West Jersey Hospital in Berlin, NJ was swamped with patients that all had respiratory problems.
Unfortunately, these various threats to public health are not limited to the United States. According to the British Broadcasting System, (BBC), respiratory ailments almost doubled in England and Wales during the first two weeks of January – with over 97,000 people sickened within a single week. More than 8,000 people died from respiratory-related causes in that period.
Similar stories have emerged from the same time period – the end of December 1998 and the first half of January 1999 – that indicate there were large numbers of people with the same symptoms in Oregon, Georgia, Maryland, Texas, and Central California.
This last summer, here in Oregon, we had a wave of contrails the likes which I have never seen before. That same week, several people close to our ministry came down with the ‘sky-flu’ symptoms that are common to the contrail phenomena. At least 2 of our people were very sick for several days with extreme vomiting, intestinal trouble, fever, chills, and body aches.
At the same time in our hub city of Medford, which saw most of the contrail activity, 60 people became violently ill with the same symptoms. While the health department claimed it was food poisoning because most of the people had attended the same event at a local country club, a thorough investigation showed no trace of food poisoning, and the management vehemently denied any connection. Of course, our people weren’t at the country club when they got sick, but the local media never even mentioned the contrails as a possible source of contamination.
William Thomas reported that by February of this year, even the political C-Span network had taken a call that was nationally broadcast over the air concerning the phenomena. The caller, a Southern Baptist preacher, was cut off just after mentioning the contrails that are “spraying people and making them ill.” Yet the major national media have consistently ignored this story. Just what is going on here?
William Thomas reports that another man, an engineer with an aerospace background that has been tracking contrail activity, has identified Boeing KC-10’s and KC-135’s as being used in the work. These two are big jets that carry large fuel loads, and they are used by the US Air Force for air to air refueling.
The engineer has also found what many other researchers are finding when there has been particularly heavy contrails: a strange residual substance resembling spider web filaments, that has been deposited on buildings, the ground, and adjacent areas that have been sprayed.
These substances have been described as “filaments resembling ordinary spider webs” that fall from the sky when the contrails are particularly thick. These “filaments” are “sticky”, and every single person that has had contact with them has become very sick – some with serious conditions that lasted for months. Obviously, if you encounter any of what one eyewitness has dubbed “angel hair”, you should leave the area immediately.
Because some of the heavier spraying activity leaves a residual compound, several courageous researchers have gathered samples and paid to have them analyzed. In April of this year, William Thomas and another journalist named Erminia Cassani gathered some of the ‘spider-web like’ substances that have been found by dozens of eyewitnesses after they were deposited on the ground by contrail producing jets.
When Erminia Cassani gathered her samples of the web-like substance to send to a toxicology laboratory, she took the residue from two diverse areas that had received heavy contrails – one from a house that had been “splattered” with the substance, and one from a building adjacent to an airport in another state.
After retrieving the samples, Cassani herself became sick with the mysterious ‘sky-flu’ for about 4 days. The woman whose house had been coated with the substance also became very sick. That woman had a heart attack shortly after the samples were taken from her home, and even a third person that was exposed to the sample also experienced severe respiratory problems.
Expecting the lab to find some chemical compounds due to the already known connection to the contrails and the assumption that the jet fuel was the source of the illness, the researchers were surprised by the results.
Incredibly, the biologist examining the substance found highly unusual bacteria. According to an article in the Free American, the sample was “teeming with a protozoan life form.”4 The lab techs quickly referred to these bizarre samples as a “bio-hazard” that should be scrupulously avoided. They also asked where did you get this material?”
Apparently, the substance is a new form of bacteria that combines something called Pseudomonas fluorescens and streptomyces that is not usually found in the outdoors or open environment. The samples also revealed the presence of another bacterial agent referred to as a black yeast which has been used by the US Army to “feed” on petroleum spills. By now it should be readily apparent that due to the novel combination of these compounds, they may very well have been genetically engineered.
The Pseudomonas fluorescens that were found in the contrail residue are fluorescent, which accounts for part of the name. These bacterial substances can eat jet fuel. Pseudomonas is a type of bacteria that are known to pose a particularly dangerous threat to respiratory systems. The other component found in the samples, Streptomyces, is a fungus that can also infect human beings with very severe infections. Many people will recall the strep germ is one of the most frightening in recent times because of the new “flesh-eating” version that is incredibly resistant to antibiotic treatment.
Few Americans noted the recent low-profile media coverage of a resurgence in the antibiotic-resistant strep germ that just resurfaced in the Northeast – the very region where the contrails have been the most intensely applied. In Pennsylvania, medical authorities are concerned with several cases of school children that have developed the new virulent form of strep. Previously, all the cases were found to have been transmitted in hospitals where the germ has always been found.
Medical experts are worried because none of the kids that contracted the deadly strep germ had any recent contact with hospitals. If a connection between the streptomyces found in the contrail bacteria and the strep bacteria emerging in the Northeastern school children were ever detected and publicized, it would be the biggest scandal of the century. The sad truth is, by the time general public figures this out there will be bodies in the streets of America.
Another micro-organism found in the contrail samples that were analyzed contained a certain type of enzyme that is used in DNA research laboratories. Thomas and Cassani note that this particular enzyme has a connection to a Maryland medical firm called American Type Tissue Culture Corporation (ATTCC). Ominously, ATTCC is known to have delivered dozens of germ warfare cultures to Saddam Husseinsometime before the Gulf War.
The other component found in the sample, the black yeast, is also used to treat petroleum spills. The “black yeast”, can also cause a particularly acute respiratory infection. Indeed, the journalist who gathered the sample containing black yeast found her left lung “became painfully infected with black mold that could have come from the sample she handled.”5
It should be obvious that in the study of contrails, we are witnessing the development of a biological holocaust, yet all major media in America are inexplicably silent concerning the evidently huge program of contrails. How could this be anything but a conspiracy?
As if the bacteria compounds aren’t bad enough, it is now apparent that the fuel used in the jets distributing the contrails contains a pesticide known as ethylene dibromide or EDB. This chemical was banned in 1983 by the EPA from commercial use because it has been proven to be extremely carcinogenic and causes severe upper respiratory problems – yet here it is being extensively sprayed on civilians across the country.
Although EDB is particularly hard on homo sapien’s respiratory system, a major report entitled Chemical Hazards of the Workplace also links the EDB carcinogen to “general weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pains, coughing and shortness of breath, upper respiratory tract irritant” and other painful conditions.
Apparently, ethylene dibromide is used in JP8, which is a jet fuel that came into common usage in 1991 – the same year the Chemical Hazards of the Workplace study was published. Previously, commercial and military jets were using something called JP4, but they converted to JP8 claiming it is less flammable and thus “safer” than JP4. Incredibly, the banned ingredient EDB is a component of JP8.
In short, there is considerable evidence that jet aircraft are, in effect, spraying the population centers in America (and possibly significant portions of the world) with a chemical that is considered so deadly that you can’t buy it or use it to kill weeds in your garden!
In support of this contention, microbiologist Larry Harris has claimed to have commissioned an independent lab test that proved a sample of jet fuel he retrieved contained EDB. A copy of one of the test reports that Harris arranged also showed “more than 15 toxic petroleum products-including toluene and styrene, as well as traces of banned pesticide ethylene dibromide. (EDB). 6
Because of the sensational nature of his claim, several partied involved are either intimidated or unwilling to publicly confront the government and the media with the information. For example, after patriot figure Larry Harris got involved, one of the testing labs received so many calls from excitable militia members that the facility management backed away from any comment on the issue at all.
Another associate of one of the researchers probing this controversy also became nervous at the type of intense people encountered – and began to show a curious disinterest in the material. It should be noted that those in the remnant Christian ranks, patriots, conspiracy adherents, and other societal non-conformists can be quite overwhelming to people completely unversed in the dark side of our world. To put it another way, some of this information indicates a pattern of evil that many individuals are not prepared to accept as genuine.
When you throw in the obvious personal health risk taken by any person probing into the matter, the study of contrails becomes positively explosive.
The fact is, various agencies of the shadow government are aggressively delivering toxic chemicals and bacterial compounds into the systems of vast numbers of the civilian populace. In many cases, it’s already potent enough to make recipients very sick. Outside of simply killing off the weaker members of society in the short term, there may be an even more terrifying agenda for the long term.
For example, we already know that the electronic antenna array known as the HAARP system has the capability of increasing the potency of some compounds at the molecular level by transmitting a radio frequency that is “tuned” to that compound’s molecular structure. In the premier nook on the subject, 7 the issue of “cyclotron resonance” was addressed.
The author of this study, Dr. Nick Begich, noted that military research labs have shown the HAARP technology is “able to affect the lithium-ion, occurring naturally in the brain, so as to create the same effect as if they had treated the animal with a chemical introduction of lithium…”.8 The author goes on to say “Stated another way, you could say that by harmonizing or resonating with the frequency of naturally-occurring chemicals, you could amplify their potency in the body of the animal, thereby creating the same chemical changes as would have occurred with a massive dose of the chemical being administered.9
In a report on military warfare applications of biotechnology issued back in 1982, researchers suggested the possibility of introducing low levels of toxic substances through the “…water supply, air supply or by other means and then transmit the right frequencies towards them to activate the otherwise benign chemicals.”10
Experienced remnant believers know the conspiracists and New World Order advocates count on what could be called the “incredulity” factor. As a case in point, I have family members who have said: “you can’t seriously believe anyone in our government would actually..(fill in the blank).”
In addition to government programming, this Pollyanna Syndrome is being fed by false teachers in the church who continue to tell Christians not to question the “higher powers” of government for the Bible teachers will tell you “don’t worry, you’ll be evacuated” or “don’t prepare, the tribulation already happened,” or some other unscriptural doctrinal view.
This religious conditioning keeps Christians from investigating and fielding enough dissent to bring these atrocities out in the open. Simply put, most people don’t want to know this.
I have already said many times, there is a biological apocalypse dead ahead. The issue has never been Y2K, or a sneak attack by the Russians, or any one of a hundred other scenarios. The evidence firmly suggests that some power bloc, in control of our own government, is systematically preparing to inaugurate events the Bible calls the great tribulation. It is inevitable, and it is right at the door.
In Matthew 24, Jesus Christ told us one of the prevalent conditions during the great tribulation was pestilence. Revelation also tells us that the 4th horseman of the Apocalypse, the pale horse, introduces pestilence. That horseman, whose name is Death, inaugurates conditions that will kill one-fourth of the entire world. One-quarter of the world’s current 6 billion people is 1.5 Billion people. With pestilence as one of the primary methodologies stated, the disease must prove to be one of the most significant causes of death during the great tribulation. The angel of death is indeed flying over America.
The absolute best course of action is to prepare your heart and mind by coming to right standing with the Lord Jesus Christ. The second course of action is to logistically prepare for the inevitable by-products of the holocaust of Revelation 6:8. We would recommend gas masks for every person in America. If you find any “cobweb-like” residue from contrails, don’t get near it without a hazardous material suit on. If you see contrails in your area, leave. If you can’t leave, remain indoors with the windows closed until the patterns dissipate.
The process of poisoning the people has begun. The beginning of the tribulation is now at the door. Pray that the Lord will preserve you and yours when the angel of death passes over America Babylon. Pray for wisdom as you seek to understand that which has already occurred. And pray as though your life depends on it – because it does.
by James Lloyd
Footnote: Contrails: Poison From the Sky, The Free American, March 1999, page 42. Earthpulse Press.
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